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Women and Wings in Nocturnal Distress (WIND), is an open field, an artist terrain blurring/combining mediums, genres, modes (literary, visual aesthetic, activist climate quest, narrative).  Written not with a book focus but as a collage practice, structured similar to a tree species whose woody tissue is not arranged in annual concentric rings, but rather scattered irregularly throughout the trunk. A space that exposes how women and aviary are held captive where landing is not possible. Collected here in regular blog posts (ReMix) are works I am scraping from diaries written over 30 years.  Each post presents the original form, and is rewritten with perspective.  New written works with my own original artwork are sheltered here to live inside this creative structure Autumn-Mixup, that I now call home, to induce a creative ritual.

© 2024 by Erin Geegan Sharp

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